How To Be Happy | V&V

The whole reason that i decided to make my blog in the first place was because I was so unhappy. Would I have loved to have a step by step guide on how to achieve total happiness? Yes. But would I have learnt anything from the experience or grown as a person? I’m gonna say no. I can happily say that I am in a completely different place now to 6 months ago, and that didn’t happen from watching a tutorial or reading a step by step guide on how to be happy. This happened from growing and maturing and learning from everything that happened to me. Happiness isn’t something that can be achieved over night, nor is it something that you can just learn like a tutorial. Only you can take the steps to leave the past in the past and move forward with your life, onto bigger and better things.

Boys, work, school, life. It’s so easy to be dragged down by all of these things in our everyday life. For me, one of those things has been a massive bother for me lately. I’m not gonna say which one but, it’s not work, school or life. I can’t tell any of you how to be happy. Even if i know every single part of all of your lives, there is no one that me, or anybody else can tell you to how to achieve total happiness. YOU need to identify what it is that is bringing you down so much. YOU need to cut off the negative people in your life and replace them with positive ones. and YOU, every single day need to give yourself the love you so tirelessly give to others. It all starts with you.

As always, I’m here if any of you feel you need somebody to talk to. Keeping your emotions in is never a good idea. There is always somebody out there who is willing to listen to your problems. Whether that be a friend, a teacher, a parent. It’s better out than in, as they say, and i’m not just referring to gas. Although, that is better out than in too.

Until next time I decide to get off my ass and write a post,

– Jess